Madison | Newborn

You may recall Everett, Mandy and their baby bump from one of my previous posts this fall.  The W family has since added the newest member of their family into the world – Madison Charlie!  Having done a session with the baby bump, I was overly excited to meet the little cutie pie.  Despite being just shy of two weeks old, I still couldn’t believe how tiny she was when Everett pulled her out of her car seat.  What a cutie pie!  And that hair – love it!!  Her parents said she loves to sleep most of the time, however, Madison didn’t want to miss out on anything and decided to try stay awake for the photo shoot.  Her mommy had to feed her a few times and daddy had to work pretty hard to calm her every time we tried to position her.  Luckily, Everett’s profession as a pediatrician paid off as he used his mad baby skills to send her back to dreamland.  The longest period of time in which she slept was when we had a football game on the television in the background; she already loves football…that a girl!  Congrats, Mandy and Everett, on your beautiful little girl!

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